An animation will appear shortly to let you know the image has been captured successfully. Open the screen you'd like to take a scrolling screenshot of and hold down the Volume down and Power buttons to capture the screenshot. Enjoy! How do I capture a scrolling screen?ġ. In those few seconds, you can go open the popup menu or right-click menu and then just wait till the screen capture starts. Simply click on the Delay button and give yourself a few seconds before the capture begins. How do I take a screenshot of the pop up menu? Some snipping tools include ability to screenshot a scrolling screen scrolls can be captured vertically or horizontally. Snipping Tool Trick #1: To capture a drop-down menu or other item that disappears when the window loses focus, press the Esc key before you start your screen grab, open the menu or other on-screen element, press Ctrl-Print Screen, choose your snip type, and make the selection.